Serving Greenwich, Stamford, Fairfield, Madison & surrounding counties
1-855-420-2926Many things go through our minds when we leave our homes for an extended period of time. Put your smart home into vacation mode and walk away knowing that your house will be keeping an eye on itself.
As you leave, the thermostat brings the house down to a safe temperature. The house water shuts itself off -- no wasting water while you are not home and no burst pipes. Your entertainment system is put into a hibernate mode, awaiting your return. All lights and controlled outlets are shut down.
When night comes, your smart home will be sure to look lived-in, not just by turning on specific lights at specific times, but rather by turning lights on at times based on your normal habits. (Learn more about Green Home Design) When you are ready to return, you can simply call your smart home and let it know when to expect you.
Days before your return, your home will begin the gradual warming process so that when you arrive, your home will be ready to greet you with lights, music or whatever you wish. Smarthome and Theater Systems can give you true security the kind you don't have to think about.
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